1 Determining all the requirements Done High 1
2 Determining the library for displaying the maps Done High 1
3 Determining the open source map hosting server Done High 1
4 Determining the languages will be used in Frontend and Backend and database technology Done High 1
5 Deciding the package structure and implementation patterns of the project Done High 1
6 Specifying object models and relationships Done High 1
7 Hosting the maps in Geoserver Done High 2
8 Displaying the maps using Leaflet and Geoserver Done High 2
9 Implementation of feature: User can share notes on the maps Done Medium 2
10 Implementation of feature: User can share the polygons about a specific area on map Done Medium 2
11 Implementing models such as users, teams, team locations and categories Done High 3
12 Implementing a role-based approach Done High 3
13 Implementing the authentication system Done High 3
14 Implementing the CRUD operations in the operation side Done High 4
15 Implementation of Frontend for User, team, team location and category Done High 4
16 Implementation of Map Visualization using Leaflet Done High 5
17 Implementation of Mobile Application with map visualization Done High 5