Hi. We are senior Computer Engineering students in
TED University.

Recently, our country suffered from a lot of disasters such as flood, earthquake, forest fires. In all of these events, we observed that search and rescue teams have some problems to colloborate together. Especially during earthquake, we realized that search and rescue teams need a management system which includes different maps such as satellite and topology maps to operate with their volunteers and workers as well as with other foundations. Therefore,as a goal of this project we aim to create a management system for search and rescue teams in need of different disasters.

Firstly we should mention that what is the GIS?

A technology called a geographic information system (GIS) makes it possible to gather, store, analyze, and visualize geographic data. It is an effective tool for gathering, organizing, and displaying different kinds of spatial data on an electronic map. By fusing a database with geographical elements, geographic information systems (GIS) facilitate users' comprehension, interpretation, and decision-making of location-based data. GIS creates, manages, analyzes, and displays geographic data using specialized gear and software. Numerous data sources, such as satellite imaging, aerial photos, GPS data, land surveys, and other geospatial data, can be incorporated into it.

What is the Map Server?
"A Map Server" is a software or service used to store, process, and deliver geographic data. Map servers are fundamental components of geographic information systems (GIS) or mapping applications.

Project Details:

We are planning to implement a GIS (Geographic Information System) in our project and also use a open source map-server for implement GIS in our project. Our project has two application one is web application one other is mobile application. This technology will enable us to collect, store, analyze, and visualize geographic data. With the help of GIS, we aim to create both applications that will empower search and rescue teams to conduct operations more effectively. The web application will serve as a platform where administrators can upload maps, manage operations, and perform various tasks. It will provide a wide range of functionalities, such as tracking the operation team, and much more. Additionally, we are also planning to develop a mobile application that will be used by the individuals participating in the operations. This mobile app will allow them to access critical information, receive real-time updates, and communicate effectively while in the field. By utilizing GIS technology, our goal is to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of search and rescue operations. We believe that this integrated approach will streamline the management of operations and provide vital tools for both administrators and field personnel.